Quick Link
The Quick Link is used with weldless chain to connect the two ends during installation of the chainwheel. When a Quick Link is added to an order, the chain is prepared in our facility to eliminate the...

Stainless Steel Tags
Stainless steel tags are typically used to identify installation location, purchase orders, or any other requested information. L...

Lock-Out / Tag-Out System
Lock-Out / Tag-Out System secures existing chainwheel against unauthorized use whenever product processing or downtime requires th...

Hammer-Blow Conversion Kits
Hammer-Blow Conversion Kits are added to ductile iron chain wheels that are attached to problematic or sticky valves. The “hamm...

Hammer-Blow Attachment Sets
Hammer-Blow Attachment Sets are offered to re-attach a Hammer-Blow mechanism to a chainwheel as a part of regular maintenance. In...

Babbitt Bucket
The Babbitt Bucket is a re-useable device that holds chain overhead, clearing the walkway below. It is lightweight, has built in drainage, and can easily release chain. The Babbitt Bucket can hold...

Safety Cable Kits
Safety Cable Kits are used as a secondary attachment on non-safety wheels to reduce the potential falling hazard of a falling valv...

Safety Cap Kits
Safety Cap Kits are used to convert standard chainwheels to safety wheels. By adding the safety cap kit, there is a secondary attachment to reduce the potential hazard of a falling valve hand wheel. ...

Stainless Steel Attachment Sets
Stainless Steel Attachment Sets are offered to re-attach an existing chainwheel to a valve and wheel as a part of regular maintena...

Babbitt Masterlink
Babbitt Masterlinks are used with weldless chain to connect the two ends during installation of the chainwheel. The Masterlink re...

Standard Attachment Sets
Standard Attachment Sets are offered to re-attach an existing chainwheel to a valve and wheel as a part of regular maintenance. O...